
Welcome To The Jungle The Rock

In example you didn't know, Dwayne "The Stone" Johnson has acted in a staggering number of films that have place primarily in the jungle. Seriously, if you haven't ever noticed, there are vi movies in his filmography dating back to 1999 that characteristic this wild environment. A further two have elements in them that are jungle-adjacent, and Moana can fifty-fifty be considered a fleck of a jungle movie even though most of it takes place on the open ocean. (Nosotros know yous needed that reminder ⏤ you're welcome.)

Learning near The Rock's affinity for tangled vegetation might make one curious well-nigh which of his jungle-themed movies are the very best. Fortunately for you lot, we've compiled the perfect list. Below you lot will discover our ranking of Dwayne Johnson'southward finest films featuring everything from screeching monkeys to boats sailing over the edges of watery cliffs. These films can provide much in the way of the action-packed escape you lot probable right near at present and ⏤ bonus! ⏤ won't exit you with any of the diseases you might find in an actual jungle. Once again, yous're welcome.

10. Fast Five (2011)

We'll kickoff with a pic that'south jungle-adjacent. The Rock is a plumbing equipment adversary to Vin Diesel's Dominic Toretto in Fast 5. Seeing the pair confront off is a delight, though it has clearly boiled over into existent life, and our but complaint is that given Johnson's love for the tropics, we should have seen them duke it out most a river brimming with piranhas to elevate the stakes a bit. Fast Five of class features beautiful people doing dangerous things involving cars and heists and drug cartels, and while it could have used a smidge more jungle over the course of its two-60 minutes runtime, it'south required viewing if you desire to get the most out of your Fast and Furious feel.

9. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)

This jungle flick finds Johnson in the sequel to 2008'due south Journey to the Middle of the Earth starring Brendan Fraser and Josh Hutcherson. In Journey 2, Johnson is a caring stepfather who jaunts around a curious island with some audacious kids. Thankfully we get a chip more jungle here, not to mention the shaved head we've come to know Johnson for, and he does a practiced job eschewing his naturally tough advent. A scene in the trailer to a higher place in which an animal intimidates him to the extent that he feels emasculated is a fine example of his powers as a comedic actor, something he would capitalize on with future jungle forays.

8. Rampage (2018)

This film is based on the pop arcade game from decades ago and is another in which Johnson is a stone'southward throw away from the jungle. His gorilla friend George comes from the jungle regions of Africa, and although the flick is pretty impaired, it'south amusing nonetheless. Nosotros give Johnson a lot of credit for keeping the gorilla alive ⏤ he was originally supposed to dice ⏤ and recall he should have taken the serum himself to become giant like him and fought over a densely wooded area in the end. And then once more, in that location'south always room for a sequel. Knowing Johnson, he'd be the first to swing on that particular vine.

7. Cerise Notice (2021)

Much of this Netflix original takes place in settings outside of the jungle, simply the third act relocates there for the same kind of action sequences Johnson has become famous for. He served as a producer on this ⏤ and then nosotros're surprised he didn't have more outdoor scenes ⏤ and while it was not this writer'south preference, he does take proficient chemistry with Ryan Reynolds. At that place'due south also a twist in the slice you may non be expecting, which farther proves that Johnson is a bit of a wild card with room to grow into an even effectively performer equally his career continues to grow in directly proportion to his arms.

6. The Mummy Returns (2001)

While Johnson has trivial more than an extended cameo here as the antagonistic Scorpion King, at that place are sequences that observe him in a newly created jungle not far from Egyptian pyramids. Certain, the effects look poor by today's standards, merely he did a good enough job to get his own standalone picture show and it's fun to see where he began his early interim days earlier propelling himself to his eventual highest-paid actor condition. It's besides worth noting that unlike the horrific Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, this sequel to 1999'southward The Mummy crafted some exceptionally clever fan-service moments that admittedly practise not involve The Rock only are worth their weight in echo viewings.

five. The Rundown (2003)

Far and away, this is i of The Stone's best movies that takes place in the jungle. He has great chemistry with Sean William Scott, Christopher Walken is a charming adversary, and the movie barely leaves the setting at all, proving that Johnson is more than than comfortable making the bulk of his cash surrounded by copse. A scene near the end where his graphic symbol defeats several goons after refusing guns is a particular highlight. We hope a sequel happens one day, though if it does, the filmmakers should give the grapheme what he wants and go along him exterior for the full duration.

4. Jumanji: The Next Level (2019)

While this movie experienced a slight critical comedown from its predecessor, information technology reunited us with our favorite characters from the live-action part-playing game that continues to excite and surprise decades afterward the 1995 original. Johnson doing an imitation of Danny DeVito is hilarious, and the sequence shown in the trailer with a number of fearsome primates is the exact kind of escalation yous want in a film like this. A sequel should amp upwards what The Rock loves most and take place on a jungle planet (fifty-fifty though the ending of Adjacent Level alludes to the jungle coming back to life in the characters' real world just as it did in the original). Either fashion, nosotros're gonna need to come across Johnson get toe-to-toe with a crocodile pretty soon here.

iii. Moana (2016)

Equally we said higher up, this one is a bit debatable, but nosotros've decided to err on the pro-jungle side hither. It's Moana, subsequently all, 1 of the best Disney films in recent years and a total vehicle for The Rock, who we didn't know could sing that well or make us laugh that much, thus making information technology one of his best films overall. The animation ⏤ particularly the h2o effects ⏤ is but gorgeous and The Rock's performance as the Polynesian trickster god Māui is nothing short of delightful. It volition exist interesting to see Johnson render to this culture in the future ⏤ that is, if the planned work about Hawaiian King Kamehameha ever achieves liftoff.

2. Jungle Prowl (2021)

Johnson just cannot quit his natural habitat and nosotros're thankful it led to him star in what is his second-best movie involving the jungle. Here, he channels everything he learned from the Jumanji films into a new adventure that finds him paired with a different sidekick (the saucy Emily Edgeless). There are some darker elements beneath the surface in this pic, which is refreshing, and outside of those, Johnson does a good job of recreating what it's like to take the ride the picture is based on. Will there be a sequel? Probably. Lord knows there are plenty of other box office jungles out in that location for Johnson to cruise through, and this potential franchise-starter certainly paves the manner.

i. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)

Belated sequels intended to serve equally relaunches of dormant franchises are hard to pull off, but Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle had a surprising amount of eye that composite nicely with the comedy elements we were expecting. One of the more brilliant strokes was having Johnson play the avatar of a teen with confidence issues who is sucked into the titular game and must lead his team to victory. It's understandably campy, just the activeness sequences are solid, and seeing Johnson's Dr. Smolder Bravestone awkwardly try to buss a girl for the first fourth dimension will leave you lot on the floor clutching your sides. The jungle, in instance you were wondering, also features prominently and is essentially its ain character in what has speedily become Johnson's preferred cinematic playground. At present that Jumanji has become a franchise, we can fully expect to see him back in the jungle in no time.

Johnson's adjacent large picture is Black Adam, though there has been no word on whether or not his titular antihero volition be running alongside elephants or hopping from branch to branch. We'll know more when it hits theaters in July, merely until then, we'll gaze longingly at every patch of dense forestry we come into contact with, wondering if maybe, just maybe, the hulking form of Dwayne Johnson will step through the copse, beckoning us toward our next tropical run a risk.


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