
Assault On Wall Street Stream German

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Dan ClarkeShawn Williamson
R (restringido para menores de eighteen años sin compañía de adultos)
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Comentarios principales de Estados Unidos

Matto Borke Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 9 de julio de 2018

5.0 de five estrellas

Justice is served.

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Justice served. I could try to evaluate AWS on its cinematic merits, and information technology has flaws. But no thing, I agree with the sentiment entirely. Just similar Bush lied about Iraq and none of his crew was tried for war crimes, there was breathy fraud from top to bottom throughout the financial sector just none of the major criminals went to jail. Instead, Bush and Saint Obama (the Peace Prizer) rewarded them with trillions. And then the citizens are supposed to forget almost it and get back to shopping. Oh male child, the Super Bowl!

It is clear that the The states is more corrupt than Mexico or whatever banana republic. Anyone who supposes this is still a republic is mentally ill or retarded.

Only agree on, the same puppet masters are still in accuse. The next crash is on schedule.

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Novel Reader Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 21 de abril de 2020

1.0 de 5 estrellas

Rotten to the Core

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This is/was one of the worst anti-backer, anti-American, anti-achievement movies to e'er come up out of Hollywood...and at that place take been a lot of them. The actors/actresses themselves were expert, and they didn't practise a bad chore with what they had to work with. Just the overall bulletin that *all* of corporate America is decadent and crooked is plainly wrong. The screenwriter spent the first 90 per centum of the movie showing usa his/her hatred of corporate greed and crony capitalism. The result? Let'due south have our 'hero' make everybody pay, including innocents. This pile of drivel should have been called 'Tantrum in the Cereal Alley,' as that'south the impression I was left with. Somebody didn't get what they want (aw, poor baby!) and they had to write a movie about it. Another for the Social Justice scrap heap.

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Stephen Fenske Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 19 de mayo de 2020

2.0 de 5 estrellas

The premise was strong, merely the execution... was an execution.

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I saw the 4 stars and felt like this might be a expert popcorn muncher of a picture... If you can prepare aside to overtly political side of the story, the premise is strong. Bad guys - the coin guys - accept advantage of modest people unwitting investors in a market using "trusted" players who were sold a prevarication.
Was information technology criminal? Yes.
Did everyone in the part know that what they were doing was criminal? No.

(Spoiler alert)

When the "hero" finally breaks downwards and hunts the bad guys, I was all for it.
But when he's in the parking garage and then the role edifice shooting random people, it felt incorrect... it felt like I was watching a mass shooter killing innocents.... oh, 'cause he was.
Unknown guy standing in the window - unarmed - shot.
The secretary - unarmed - shot.
The computer annotator - unarmed - shot.
Grenades on the open office room - random unarmed people - blown up.
And it'due south not just i or two, there's more thirty bodies of unarmed office people Before he gets to the big bad guy.
Was the crime committed by the large bad guys a capital letter felony? Maybe... mayhap non. Information technology's Hollywood. They picked profit over people.
Just all of the other people in the office.... even if implicated in the criminal activities... would exist accessories at all-time. That is seldom, if ever, a capital offense. Our hero made them all pay with their lives for only working in the building with the bad guy. I guess it's guilty by association.
Too many mass shooters use their personal hurting to pelting destruction on unknowing victims in real life for this movie to leave me with a good feeling that justice was served.

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inheavysyrup Comentarios de Estados Unidos el twenty de julio de 2020

3.0 de 5 estrellas

Some other right wing extremist goes on a murderous rampage; oh! expect!

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Beak Clinton turned the 1977 Customs Reinvestment Deed into something that forced banks to lend money to people who could not beget to repay. HUD was made regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by congress 1992 and pressured these agencies to meet numbers for affordable housing even though information technology meant buying subprime mortgages. Under HUD secretary Andrew Cuomo (currant ex-mayor of NYC) this became very ambitious forcing the banks to play along or face refused expansions or mergers if they were not making plenty loans to unqualified minority borrowers. Opponents of this crapola were branded as racists by the likes of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and so backed off. This is what gave us the collapse of Wall Street, not capitalism at all merely rather left wing governmental interference with free market role. All the bullets in this movie were aimed at young man victims, not perpetuators. Although we must admit that the federal authorities bailed some of the major fiscal institutions out later forcing them to comply with obviously decadent laws, howeverqq it did non bail out the individual citizens who were left with the true brunt. Wall Street is not the enemy. This tempest came straight outta Washington D.C.

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5.0 de v estrellas

Feel-Expert, in a fashion

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Reflective of that time and very evocative in portraying the different attitudes of blatant Indifference, heartbreak,
desolation and a want for justice at any cost. Purcell was perfect as a homo driven to cold-blooded insanity.
The whole bandage did well - great revenge moving-picture show. Subsequently all this time I wonder, why no sequel? Maybe just a little Likewise expert?

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J. West Comentarios de Estados Unidos el 17 de julio de 2019

5.0 de 5 estrellas

A Soldier Of The People

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We didn't go through it still like back in 1929 through 1939 in the Great Low. Just someday nosotros might. Only I idea this was very well done. Dandy performances by Dominic Purcell, Edward Furlong, Eric Roberts, John Heard, Keith David, & Lochlyn Munro. Uwe Boll did it terrifically. I recommend this film who similar Vigilante and action films.

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5.0 de five estrellas

WOW! Falling Down meets Wall St.

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WOW! Falling Downward meets Wall St. Watching the transformation of one homo, by Mr. Purcell, due to the compound of tragedies one right after another demonstrates how a soldier acquires the "i,000-thousand stare, and he shows the viewer his. He just wants to take care of his wife but she has other plans and it hurts bad. The picture show is a fiddling ho-hum in parts simply picks up the pace after acceptable character deterioration that gets y'all backside him and fifty-fifty rationalize his actions. If you lot retrieve Michael Douglas just wanting to get dwelling house, Dominic Purcell just wants his money similar 99.99% of the country did or nonetheless does. Revenge is a dish best served cold, well this dish is served red HOT! No spoiler only, nice twist in the end.

A 26 personas les pareció útil

3.0 de 5 estrellas

OK Movie

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Movie is about your Joe Lowest going up against a universal abstract soulless enemy....big business in this take.

Substantially Dominic Purcell plays a struggling everyday American character who is trying to make ends meet with a sick wife and a basic 'honest living' chore. He is met with financial strain around what is prob the 2008 economic collapse where Wall Street was bailed out by the American citizens because it was "too big too neglect" but your average American was let to hang out to dry by losing their homes or their investments. In this movie, both happens to Dominic Purcell'due south graphic symbol forth with medical and credit carte du jour debt.

So basically bad stuff happens to him and Dominic Purcell becomes jaded and exacts his revenge on all the corrupt white collar suited professionals that he feels is responsible for the turmoil and got a way scott free.

I probably fabricated it sound more than interesting so it is. To be honest film is incredibly tiresome-moving and the first 1h:ten minutes of an 1h:30 minutes is relatively dry and is just your standard rote affair of the viewer watching the predictable/expected plummet of Everyday Human being's life into the gutter. If you like drama then perhaps yous'll bask this for 1 hour of a moving-picture show just I certsainly found it to drag on for as well long and further Dominic Purcell is a two-note histrion with very little disarming emotional range. So for majority of this it was watching his uninspired acting. I won't say unbelievable because I definitely believe there are stiff people in the globe like that but man was it a chore too sentinel such a droll operation from a main side by side to the other better supporting cast in this film. Anyway when he actually goes all Law Abiding Citizen and The Punisher in the brief last 15-20 minutes it actually became pretty expert for my amusement value only was curt lived.

Overall it is similar a 2.four-iii.0 star moving picture.

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